Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010

Real Beauty?

There are some mornings, when I would like to put a bag over my head or stay completely inside, because my hair is terrible or I've got dreadful eye circles.
I think all of us know these moments, these bad hair and bad face days, because all of us want to look beautiful.
Beautiful in this case means long, silky hairs, slender and clean skin, like women in magazines and advertisements have.
But what we often don't notice is, that all these women are not naturally that beautiful. Make up, lightening and Photoshop made them pretty.

This video shows, how easy it is to transform a woman.
Pretty scary and reassuring at the same time, because nobody is perfect and everyone has his little idiosyncrasies.
So cheer up the next time, when you see one of these unbelievably beautiful models and stop comparing them with you, because they are hyperreal. And who wants to be perfect anyway?! :)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Omg I didn't realise just HOW much they change what girls look like, wow.

    Thanks for sharing the video :)

  2. i think you are right. it's important to live the life one wants to lead. i need to change my attitude towards life: i want to be happy so i need to start doing what i want to do for myself.

  3. Who wants to be perfect anyway?

    Suppose we lived in a world with only perfect people, would there still be any excitement about getting to know others, finding out about "strangers"--who would be in any form strange, in a world of universal perfection? I think it's far more interesting to meet people with their "little idionsyncrasies" and get to know them, it clearly enriches social interaction.

    Only if adverts also observed that priciple would it be easier to remember it when looking in the mirror on a "bad-face-day". :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the video.
